So if you’ve been following you’ve probably seen that I’ve ‘switched off’ from writing articles, sharing images, interviewing for the podcast or even doing videos…
That’s because I’ve made a conscious decision in the last 4 months to shift even further away from the limelight and stage and entrench myself even further being the support mechanisms for those on the stage.
Now I’ve decided to just start documenting this journey of building an amazing remote team for this new online marketing machine that is The Leverage Group.

Because for me I’ve only just discovered I really love building systems, machines and processes that’ll create leverage for the customer. What excites me, even more, is when I can create that leverage for my team. I love educating and skilling up people to feel like they can do soooo much more.
I really love it when I can show someone how to shave time off their work, so they can go be home to cook dinner with their family or to go on vacation ANYTIME they want!
That’s the kind of remote team culture I want to build and this is my story…
I wanna share with you the challenges, the resources, the wins (the fails) and everything else in-between on the journey to create time leverage for myself, my team and to ultimately create such a huge advantage when it comes to delivering value to our clients.
I’m going to dive deep and share real experiences as well as processes, templates, tools, apps and resources on my journey as this machine starts to grow!
Over the first few posts you’ll see coming out are all really about how to know what to start to delegate, how to document processes so people will follow them, amazing resources I’ve found on my way to building a thriving remote culture and how to hire (and fire).