There are pitfalls when it comes to scaling and systemizing any business. If you aren’t aware of these then you run the risk of falling and plateauing your business.
I’m gonna share with you the 5 Pitfalls that you need to avoid, so you don’t become stuck in your business hitting a ceiling with your time, your profits and ultimately the impact that you’re going to be able to make.
Five Pitfalls
Now these are the few pitfalls that I have made before in fact these are pitfalls that I see that all my clients have made and these are the things thats keeping them stuck in their business.
1st Pitfall: D-I-Y it
They want to do it all by themselves.
The reason why this is so dangerous is because your efforts are limited. You can only produce so much in the time and effort that you have, so unless you are able to hire somebody else to help your income will always be restricted based on your time, your energy and your resources.
2nd Pitfall: No Systematic Documentation
This is the biggest mistake that most of the entrepreneurs make.
They don’t document their processes in a systematic way. Making it extremely difficult to recruit, train manage and retain talent. If you do however have these processes in place its easy to recruit because you know what they need to do.
You’re able to train them easily with little effort and you’re able to manage them better because they understand what the expectations are. It’s all in black and white making it soooo much easier to be able to retain them cause the expectations have already been set and managed.
3rd Pitfall: Staying Out of their Genius
This pitfall is one of my heartbreaking.
It is that most businesses owners make is that they don’t stick to their genius. Well I don’t know what exactly my genius is but my genius is to look at a process and to systemize by automating or delegating the tasks away from the business owner, so that their business can grow and that they can stay more in their genius.
My genius isn’t speaking on this stage so I will stick within my genius and everything else I delegate or automate. Stop doing the stuff that drains you of your energy, creativity and suck at.Just double down on your strengths and just find others who can do what you’re weak at
4th Pitfall: Being the Control-Freak
Most businesses owners are so caught up in doing everything on their own, so when it comes to expanding their team they struggle to let go. They become so consumed with having control with everything in the business that they keep themselves stuck doing low value tasks that can be done by somebody else or worse yet they become the worst micromanager leading to a higher turnover rates.
However when you are able to identify low value tasks systemize them to produce predictable results to be delegated or automated, it can free up your time to be with your family. You only have to focus on scaling your business.
5th Pitfall: Lack a Review Process
Finally one of the critical factors of why businesses aren’t growing or don’t grow in a predictable manner is because of the lack of reviewing their systems.
Now when you have systems and processes in place what happens is some people become complacent and they don’t review their systems. They don’t optimize it and you can actually find that productivity goes down, but if you continuously review your systems and your processes not only will your productivity continue to grow.
You’ll actually start finding more time and more freedom to spend with your loved ones. In fact these are problems that are easily addressed and if you are keen to look into a solution.
Let me know in the comments below and I will shoot the video for you.
Now again if you are stuck in your business and you recognize these are problems that you have.
Let me know in the comments below if you are looking for a solution and in my next video what I’ll do is I will share those solutions with you. If you’re a business owner that is currently facing a limit, a plateau in your income and you like to make more money.
If you would like to have more time.
If you like to be able to spend more time with your loved ones and do what matters most to you.
If you’re one of those businesses let me know and I’ll shoot you a video just to show you how you can solve these problems
So guys if this video resonates with you, if you believe that this is true to you, then don’t keep it a secret. Make sure you share this, make sure you subscribe, make sure you forward this on to anyone else who needs to hear about this so that they can become set themselves free in their business.