Episode #79: Matt Belair | Zen Athlete
Matt shares with us his zen-tastic story about how someone who’s interested in so many things can become his own master and find their way into helping tonnes of people to discover their true purpose. We dig deep into this episode with him as he shares about:
– The huge driving force behind his work
– Why he made the big switch from Martial Artist to being a Coach
– How is he helping athletes to achieve their goals and aspirations boiling down to just TWO Keys
– How hypnosis can be the secret to discovering your purpose
About Matt:
Living a life dedicated to acquiring the skills and knowledge to help others on their paths to greatness, has brought Matt Belair to a level of expertise attained by few. With experience in fields ranging from mental fortitude, Zen, the pursuit of inner peace and positive living, martial arts, marketing, snowboarding, and travel to neuro-linguistic programming, meditation, sport psychology, life coaching, and conscious living, he is equipped to support you in whatever you aspire to achieve.
A one of a kind author, speaker and conscious thought leader and podcast host, Matt believes in potential. His own, yours, everyone’s. Seeing the possibilities in someone’s life is his greatest gift. He knows we can all be great, and so there is nothing that despairs him more than to see someone suffer or settle for mediocrity. and nothing that brings him more joy than to witness them achieve their highest potential. He has incredible vision and see’s the un-ignited potential in every individual. Matt is truly special because he has the rare ability to help others see, believe, and create that inherent potential within themselves.
Link to his official website:
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