- How He started with his Journey
- Why Sexual Empowerment is Important
- How you are dealing with sexual Issue and how it is affecting your life
At IntimatePower, I help business people use their mojo, their sexual energy, to unleash their full potential.
Once they learn to love and accept themselves, they are able to express their higher gifts, help more people, and make more money.
I am the author of “Orgasm Unleashed – Your guide to pleasure, healing and power”, an orgasm guide for women, which has been endorsed by sexuality industry leaders such as Layla Martin and Bonnie Bliss.
I also publish blogs and online programs, and hold coaching sessions, public talks and run weekend workshops.
I discovered Tantra in 2005 and it changed my life. I realized I have been practicing it before i even knew what it was.
I lived for seven years on a tropical island in an alternative community, exploring Tantra, Yoga, spirituality, attending workshops and seminars, doing months of meditation retreats every year, studying philosophies, practicing different healing modalities, and exploring everything that interested me.
I then founded this business, Intimate Power, that combines sexuality, business and human potential.
My greatest satisfaction is helping someone step into their power, own their sexuality, and turn their talent into an offering they can charge for.
I am here because I’m dedicating my life to studying and practicing what I’m passionate about, because I’m totally committed to my purpose, and because I studied with amazing teachers.
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Go Out There
Go Live with Love &
Go Smash It!
Music: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music